The Rockford Park District is hosting a "Spring Dog Hike" April 27th, 2024 from 10a-12p at the Atwood Center
Therapy Dogs are needed in the Northern Illinois, Southern Wisconsin area. Does your pup enjoy meeting other people? Not all dogs do. Sometimes they only want to hang out with their family. Secondly, if your dog does enjoy visiting people - they need to have excellent obedience training to prevent injuries to others. Obedience training is always a work in progress. Keep working with your dog; while you both might not be ready now - you two will become an awesome team!
Did you know that the AKC allows your dog to get titles in Therapy work? Mixed breeds, breed rescues & purebred dogs can apply. They just need to be registered with a reputable Therapy Organization that will provide you with insurance when you visit various facilities.
Did you know you can do fun events with your dog? Agility, Obedience, Rally, Fastcat, Tricks & so much more!
Northern Illinois Area & Southern Wisconsin are looking for wonderful dogs to visit at many facilities
Rockford Dog
Apples are good for your dog: They are full of vitamin A, vitamin C & dietary fiber (just remove the core and seeds)